It’s a bit of a Catch-22 for vendors who sell to Corporate IT. In pre-sales situations, customers demand to see evidence of ROI achieved by other customers. They want calculations and solid numbers. But then when they deploy your product they don’t track their own ROI, so you can’t share that with new prospects.
For what it’s worth, Corporate IT knows that they do this and that it isn’t fair. I’ve talked about this with many participants in interviews and focus groups and they understand the dynamic very well. They do appreciate your efforts to get them anything, even if it’s clearly an internal ROI that is heavily biased. But of course, they really do want that real ROI since their management is demanding it from them.
In response to direct client feedback, Dimensional Research has launched a new offering for establishing ROI, The ROI Framework. In this project, we interview your customers to get their ROI – whatever they have. Some will be solid, some will be anecdotal, but when you put together the information from 5-10 or more of these customers, it’s pretty compelling. To make it easy for customers we’ll offer anonymity so they can be completely open about their ROI and not have to jump through hoops getting corporate approvals.
We’ll take those interviews, and put together a white paper summarizing the input that can be used as a collateral piece. We will also use the content to develop an ROI calculator for use as a sales tool or on your web site. Now your ROI calculator will have as a source “Dimensional Research Customer Analysis” rather than “our best internal guess.”
Contact us today if you’re interested in helping your sales force beat the Catch-22 of ROI.