Clients often tell me, “I have lots of happy customers but none of them will say anything about my products! How do I get the story about my products out?” This is a classic pain for anyone who sells into Corporate IT. You talk to your customers all the time and they tell you how happy they are, but when your corporate marketing team asks for those stories, even the happiest customers won’t let you tell them. They have their reasons, of course: they may have internal policies, or perhaps they just don’t have the confidence to work with their own corporate communications teams for permission.
So what you can do? Prospective buyers do their homework before investing in a new technology or product. They seek out third party validation: first-hand experiences from similar companies who have already implemented the same technology in similar real-world environments. Credible, unbiased information allows these decision makers to make confident purchase decisions.
Telling decision makers vague stories about your customer success without backing them up with credible proof just won’t cut it. Your stories simply aren’t that compelling for the IT executive or CFO of a public company that has been burned in the past with products that don’t work.
A technology market research company like Dimensional Research can bring third party validation to those stories.
We interview your customers, understand their use of the product, get hard and soft data on ROI, and capture some of their best “tips and tricks”. Our technical background means we can understand and capture the real-life benefits your customers are receiving from your products. Then we can turn that into a report that does not name those customers or their companies. It gives the customer the opportunity to tell the story without jumping through hoops getting permission, and gives you a reliable third party validation that you can use as a sales tool.